Book Recommendations Tag

 1. a book you tell people is your favorite

Crescent City

2. a book that is your guilty pleasure

Ein Liebe unter Sternen

3. a book everyone loved but you didn't


4. a book you read the fastest

The Kingdom of Cooper

5. a book that deserves more hype

Stonebridge Island Reihe

6.a book that is becoming a movie/tv show

From Blood & Ash

7. a book you have reread the most

Berühre mich nicht/Verliere mich nicht

8. a book from a genre you don’t typically read


9. a book that deserves all the hype it gets

The Serpent and the Wings of the Night

10. a book you usually recommend when asked to give a recommendation

Truly by Ava Reed

11. a book that has your favorite character(s)

Assasine´s Apprantice by Robin Hobb

12. a book you wish you could live in


13. a book you thought you would hate but ended up loving

The Blade Itself

14. a book that made you cry

Reminders of Him

15. a book you wish you could read for the first time

(weil ich es so sehr Liebe)


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