10 Fantasy Books (I Want to Read)


When destiny calls, there's no fighting back . . .

As a bard's apprentice, Kihrin grew up with tales of legendary deeds. He also steals, desperate to buy a way out of Quur's slums. But when he raids the wrong house, he's marked by a demon and life will never be the same again.

Kihrin's plight brings him to the attention of royalty, who claim him as the lost son of their immoral prince. But far from living the dream, Kihrin's at the mercy of his new family's ruthless ambitions. However, escaping his jewelled cage just makes matters worse. Kihrin is horrified to learn he's at the centre of an ancient prophecy. And every side - from gods and demons to dragons and mages - want him as their pawn. Those old stories lied about many things too, especially the myth that the hero always wins.

Then again, maybe Kihrin isn't the hero, for he's not destined to save the empire. He's destined to destroy it.

Inquisitor Glokta, a crippled and increasingly bitter relic of the last war, former fencing champion turned torturer extraordinaire, is trapped in a twisted and broken body - not that he allows it to distract him from his daily routine of torturing smugglers.

Nobleman, dashing officer and would-be fencing champion Captain Jezal dan Luthar is living a life of ease by cheating his friends at cards. Vain, shallow, selfish and self-obsessed, the biggest blot on his horizon is having to get out of bed in the morning to train with obsessive and boring old men.

And Logen Ninefingers, an infamous warrior with a bloody past, is about to wake up in a hole in the snow with plans to settle a blood feud with Bethod, the new King of the Northmen, once and for all - ideally by running away from it. But as he's discovering, old habits die really, really hard indeed...

...especially when Bayaz gets involved. A bald old man with a terrible temper and a pathetic assistant, he could be the First of the Magi, he could be a spectacular fraud, but whatever he is, he's about to make the lives of Glotka, Jezal and Logen a whole lot more difficult...

Highly recommended - a funny, finely-wrought, terrifically energetic work of high fantasy. Seek it out Joe Hill


Für Sergeant Elster war stets klar, dass er dem malazanischen Imperium treu ergeben ist, egal wie schlecht er von seiner Herrscherin behandelt wurde. Auf ihren Befehl begibt er sich in die feindliche Stadt Darujistan, um deren Eroberung vorzubereiten. Doch als er und sein Trupp eintrifft, schwebt bereits die finstere Festung Mondbrut wie eine schützende Hand über der Stadt – und der Plan der Imperatrix zur Vernichtung Mondbruts kann sehr leicht auch Elster und seine Leute mit in den Tod reißen.


Eine phantastische Reise beginnt … 

Im abgeschiedenen Dorf Emondsfelde erzählt man sich noch immer die alten Geschichten um den Dunklen König und die Magierinnen der Aes Sedai, die das Rad der Zeit drehen. Niemand ahnt, wie viel Wahrheit in diesen Legenden steckt. Dann jedoch überfallen blutrünstige Trollocs, die Häscher des Dunklen Königs, das Dorf und hinterlassen eine Spur der Verwüstung. Die Magierin Moiraine verhilft den Freunden Egwene, Rand, Perrin und Mat in letzter Minute zur Flucht, da sie spürt, dass einer von ihnen das Schicksal der Welt verändern wird ...


Kate Daniels verdient ihr Geld damit, übersinnliche Phänomene zu bekämpfen. Bewaffnet mit ihrem Schwert "Slayer" und ihren magischen Fähigkeiten macht sie auf den Straßen Atlantas Jagd auf Vampire und andere finstere Kreaturen. Ihr Leben nimmt jedoch eine unerwartete Wendung, als ihr Freund Greg ermordet wird. Bei der Suche nach dem Täter stößt Kate auf Ungereimtheiten: Neben Gregs Leiche wird ein geköpfter Vampir gefunden, und alles deutet darauf hin, dass bei der Tat nekromantische Magie im Spiel war. Hat womöglich der geheimnisvolle Curran, der Anführer der Gestaltwandler, etwas mit dem Ganzen zu tun?


A shadow has fallen over the Tressian Republic.

Ruling families plot against one another with sharp words and sharper knives, heedless of the threat posed by the invading armies of the Hadari Empire.

The Republic faces its darkest hour. Yet as Tressia falls, heroes rise.


He doesn't mind killing people...he just prefers to do it on his own terms.

But the pirates have no say in who they kill on this island.

The council orders. The pirates obey.

This arrangement has kept Declan from setting foot on these shores for years...until a bit of bad luck forces him to return.

But it may prove a lucrative stop, if the rebel's information is true.

Find the dagger. Escape this life.

But only if this damn stowaway doesn't ruin everything first.


Capture his heart.

Steal his crown.

Noor is the unwanted, unloved third born of the Aten, chosen vessel of the sun goddess, Sol. While she has no chance at inheriting her father's title, what she truly longs for is peace from his unrelenting hatred. Hope builds that she may finally be able to claim that reprieve when a missive arrives from the House of the Moon.

The new Lumin, chosen of the moon god, Lumos, seeks to broker peace with the Kingdom of Helios for the first time in ages. He envisions open trade routes and an end to archaic rivalries. His dedication to this cause extends to visions of a union between the two families by marrying one of Aten's daughters, if one of the matches is a fit.

Driven by his own twisted agenda, Noor's father is willing to sacrifice his daughters as pawns to steal the crown for him to further his despotic reign, pitting sister against sister in a brutal battle for power. But Noor must come out the victor, either by capturing the Lumin's heart or stealing his crown. For whomever wears the crown of moonlight, holds the power of the moon itself. With such strength at her command, she could finally defeat her tyrannical father.

Yet this endeavor cannot be accomplished without great sacrifice. As Noor learns more about Lumin Caelum, guilt over her betrayal consumes her, burning hot as the sun itself. If only he wasn't kind, and selfless, and exactly what she wanted. If only she had greater dominion over her heart...

Can Noor carry out her plan and end her father's vile reign? Or will unlikely alliances allow a new day to dawn?

In den Ländern der Rhune leben die Menschen seit Anbeginn der Zeit im Schatten der Götter: Die Fhrey wohnen in kunstvoll angelegten Städten, verfügen über Magie und Schmiedekunst, altern nicht und scheinen unsterblich zu sein, während die Rhune unter rauen Bedingungen in kleinen Dörfern und Gemeinschaften hausen, und oft kaum genug zum Leben haben.

Doch als zwei Menschen, der junge Raithe und sein Vater, von einem Fhrey angegriffen werden, tut der junge Mann etwas Undenkbares: Er schlägt zurück - und tötet das Wesen,  das er bis dahin für einen Gott gehalten hat.

Raithe flieht vom Ort des Geschehens, doch der Legende des Mannes, der einen Gott erschlagen hat, kann er nicht entkommen. Als er sich in der Siedlung Dahl Rhen verbirgt, trifft er auf Persephone, eine Witwe, die gerade erst das Erbe ihres Mannes als Anführerin ihres Stammes angetreten hat, und auf die junge Seherin Suri. Persephone glaubt, nichts mehr zu verlieren zu haben, und sieht in Raithe denjenigen, der die Menschen endlich gegen die Fhrey führen kann. Unerwartete Unterstützung erhält die wachsende Rebellion schließlich von Nyphron, einem abtrünnigen Fhrey, der sich weigert, den Aufstand der Menschen niederzuschlagen..

Ten years ago, half-Fae, half human Kerrigan Argon was discreetly dropped off onto the steps of Draco Mountain with nothing but a note. Her life changes completely as she's swept into the care of the House of Dragons-an elite training program for gifted Fae.

On the year of her seventeenth name day, each student will be chosen by one of the twelve tribes of Alandria to enter society.

Everyone is chosen, except Kerrigan.

So, she strikes a bargain with the Dragon Society: convince a tribe to select her or give up her birthright forever.

With the unlikeliest of allies-Fordham Ollivier, the cursed Fae prince, who escaped his dark throne-she has to chart her own destiny to reshape the world.


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